
Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day in the United States is on the third Sunday of June.  It celebrates the contribution that fathers and father figures make for their children’s lives. Its origins may lie in a memorial service held for a large group of men, many of them fathers, who were killed in a mining accident in Monongah, West Virginia in 1907. Read More»

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Day 1 – June 7th

This was a favorite prayer of St. Padre Pio and he prayed it every day.Here are the Novena prayers for the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayers Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Day 1 -9 Join in praying the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be Read More»

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Corpus Christi Procession (bilingual) on Sunday, June 11, after 12:00 Mass

Our Sacred Heart Parish will hold its Corpus Christi Procession (bilingual) on Sunday, June 11, after 12:00 Mass. We invite all of you to join us in this most glorious display of our veneration and belief that Jesus is present in the Eucharist. At the conclusion of Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be processed out of the church and onto the grounds. The procession should move at a slow and reverent speed through the designated route around Sacred Heart Parish campus and we will stop four times to listen to the passages from the Gospel. At the conclusion of the Read More»

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From the earliest centuries of the Catholic Church, Christians have addressed suppliant prayers and hymns of praise to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the hope they have placed in the Mother of the Saviour has never been disappointed. They have looked upon Her as Queen of Angels, Queen of Patriarchs, Queen of Prophets, Queen of Apostles, Queen of Martyrs, Queen of Virgins. Because of Her eminence, She is indeed entitled to the highest honors that can be bestowed upon any creature. Saint Gregory Nazianzen called Her Mother of the King of the entire universe, and the Virgin Mother who brought forth the Read More»

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