
B A P T I S M A L      P R E P A R A T I O N

 All parents having a child in the near future are asked to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory that parents attend the baptismal preparation class before making arrangements for the Baptism. The Class is held in the Ministry Center building (Formation Room). Please call the office to make arrangements  708.974.3336, Press 0.

   The next Class is scheduled for Tuesday,  MARCH 22, 2022 ~  7:00PM 

   Katecheza przed Chrztem ,  MARZEC 22, 2022, Wtorek ~ 7:00PM

   Jeżeli w najbliższym czasie planujecie chrzest swojego dziecka to prosimy o kontakt z naszym biurem parafialnym 708-974-3336, wew 0.     Ponadto zapraszamy rodziców oraz chrzestnych na katechezę przygotowującą do tego ważnego wydarzenia. Katecheza jest prowadzone w języku angielskim. 


The Baptismal Classes are usually held on the FOURTH TUESDAY OF THE MONTH.  

  Baptisms are ordinarily celebrated on Sunday at 1:30 PM: 

  • in Polish on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month,

  • in English on the 2nd & 4th Sundays.

The maximum number to be baptized on a given Sunday is 6.

It is required that at least one parent attend a baptismal preparation class which is offered monthly.

Baptism is celebrated following the completion of the program.

Documents that are collected and required for a baptism:

  1. A copy of the child’s birth record

  2. Each sponsor is required to have an eligibility document from their parish

Arrangements for the Baptismal date must be made by calling the Parish Office in the Ministry Center at (708) 974-3336.