
Parafialne Rekolekcje Wielkopostne 2024

Zapraszamy do udziału w Rekolekcjach Wielkopostnych, które w parafii Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa odbędą się w dniach 2–5 marca 2024.  Naszym przewodnikiem rekolekcyjnym będzie ojciec Adam Szustak, dominikanin. Program rekolekcji: Sobota 2 marca Msza Święta, konferencja rekolekcyjna – 7:00pm Wieczór uwielbienia. Niedziela, 3 marca Msze Święte z konferencjami rekolekcyjnymi o 12:00pm i 6:00pm. Poniedziałek, 4 marca Msze Św. i konferencje rekolekcyjne – 10:30 i 7:00pm Wtorek, 5 marca Msze Św. i konferencje rekolekcyjne – 10:30 i 7:00pm Read More»

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February’s devotion to the Holy Family

Act of Consecration to the Holy Family Here is one form of Consecration: O Jesus, our most loving Savior! Thou Who was sent down from Heaven to enlighten the world by Thy teaching and example, and Who didst will to pass the greater part of Thy holy life in Nazareth, subject to Mary and Joseph, and thereby didst hallow the household which was to be the pattern for all Christian families, do Thou in Thy goodness receive our household which this day consecrates itself to Thee. Protect and guard us, strengthen us in Thy holy fear, establish in our hearts Read More»

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St Blaise – February 3rd

Saint Blaise’s Story We know more about the devotion to Saint Blaise by Christians around the world than we know about the saint himself. His feast is observed as a holy day in some Eastern Churches. In 1222, the Council of Oxford prohibited servile labor in England on Blaise’s feast day. The Germans and Slavs hold him in special honor, and for decades many United States Catholics have sought the annual Saint Blaise blessing for their throats. We know that Bishop Blaise was martyred in his episcopal city of Sebastea, Armenia, in 316. The legendary Acts of St. Blaise were written 400 years later. According Read More»

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What is the story of Pentecost? The 11 remaining Apostles returned to Jerusalem after the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Acts 1:14 says, “All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.” During this time, the Apostles chose a replacement for Judas Iscariot. They cast lots between two men, and the lot fell on Matthias. After nine days of prayer, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples. They heard a sound like a “mighty wind,” and “tongues as of fire” were resting on their heads. Going Read More»

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Looking to do something for 2024?

How about joining the Sacred Heart Adult Choir. They are always looking for new members. If you like to sing, why not check them out? Build friendships, make music and praise God. Rehearsals will take place every Wednesday from 7:30pm – 9:00 pm in the Formation Room, in the Ministry Center Building. We will sing at the 10:00am Mass at least once a month. If you have any questions, please talk to Sue or John O’Keefe after Mass or call them at 708.974.3336 X220 Read More»

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January special days

1st Mon –  SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD 2nd Tue –  Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church 4th Thu – USA: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious 5th Fri –  USA: Saint John Neumann, Bishop 6th Sat – USA: Saint André Bessette, Religious 7th Sun – USA: THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 8th Mon – The Baptism of the Lord  13th Sat  – Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 17th Wed – Saint Anthony, Abbot 22nd Mon – USA: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children 23rd Read More»

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The Filipino community in Palos Hills is inviting all parishioners to join us on December 18, 2023—Monday at 7:00pm to celebrate the fourth night novena of Simbang Gabi here at Sacred Heart Parish. Simbang Gabi is a Filipino Catholic Tradition consisting of nine nights Novena in preparation for the coming of our Lord Jesus. There will be eight other churches in the Southwest suburbs participating in this Novena. This year’s Novena will focus on Eucharistic Revival with the overall Theme: GROWING IN LOVE FOR THE EUCHARIST. Each night, the parishes listed below will honor a saint who had a particular Read More»

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