
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

by Fr Richard Heilman Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus goes back at least to the 11th century, but through the 16th century, it remained a private devotion, often tied to devotion to the Five Wounds of Christ. The first feast of the Sacred Heart was celebrated on August 31, 1670, in Rennes, France, through the efforts of Fr. Jean Eudes (1602-1680). From Rennes, the devotion spread, but it took the visions of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690) for the devotion to become universal. In all of these visions, in which Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary, the Sacred Read More»

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June is the Month of the Sacred Heart

in recognition of Jesus’ apparitions starting in 1673 to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690), a member of the Visitation Sisters, through whom He asked for devotion to His Sacred Heart. In that first apparition, Jesus enveloped St. Margaret Mary in a mystical experience of His love. She reported that Jesus allowed her “to recline for a long time on His divine breast, where He disclosed to me the marvels of His love and the unutterable secrets of His Sacred Heart.” In His second apparition to her, a First Friday in 1674, Jesus showed St. Margaret His Heart, “more dazzling than Read More»

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Feast of Corpus Christi

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, historically known by its Latin name, Corpus Christi, celebrates the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. It is traditionally celebrated on the Thursday following the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. The feast dates to the Middle Ages and originated with a visionary nun and a Eucharistic miracle. THE STORY In 1263 a German priest, Fr. Peter of Prague, made a pilgrimage to Rome. He stopped in Bolsena, Italy, to celebrate Mass at the Church of St. Christina. At the time he was having Read More»

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Mass for Memorial Day

This Monday, May 27th, is Memorial Day. To honor those who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom, there will be a 10:30AM Mass (weather permitting) to celebrate this special day at Sacred Heart Cemetery (104th & Kean Avenue). If rain, Mass will be at church. There is also a 9AM Mass in church on this day. PLEASE NOTE: The Ministry Office will be closed on Monday, May 27th. Read More»

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