
Memorial Day Prayer List

For those that have asked for our prayers: Gerald & Eugene Burns,  Michael DeVito,  Bernice Englert,  John Imbra,  Charles Kozicki,  Bruno Kuzlik,  William McCarthy,  Terrence McConnell,  Patrick Murphy,  Harold Robl,  Raymond Wesly Rodda,  Harold Sadnick,  Charles Strauch,  Gilbert Verbist,  Phil Wengel,  Eugene & Bertie Witalka,  Michael & Gary Witalka,  Read More»

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8 Things to Know and Share About Pentecost

Where did the feast of Pentecost come from? What happened on it? And what does it mean for us today? Here are 8 things to know and share… Jimmy Akin BlogsMay 31, 2020   The original day of Pentecost saw dramatic events that are important to the life of the Church. But where did the feast of Pentecost come from? How can we understand what happened on it? And what does it mean for us today? Here are 8 things to know and share about it…   1. What does the name “Pentecost” mean? It comes from the Greek word for “fiftieth” (pentecoste). Read More»

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Pentecost (Whitsunday), with Christmas and Easter, ranks among the great feasts of Christianity.

And when the days of Pentecost were drawing to a close, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a violent wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as of fire, which settled upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak (Acts 2, 1-4). Pentecost Sunday marks the end of the first novena. Pentecost (Whitsunday), with Christmas and Easter, Read More»

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ACCW Woman of the Year

CCW 2020 WOMAN OF THE YEAR Congratulations! BERNADETTE (BERNIE) BENSON In March of 2020, the Sacred Heart Council of Catholic Women’s Board voted unanimously to name Bernie Benson their 2020 Woman of the Year Read More»

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Holy Spirit Novena

Did you know that the first novena was prayed by the apostles after Jesus ascended into heaven? They waited and prayed for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we pray this first ever novena: Read More»

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Divine Mercy Novena Prayers – Day 9 Saturday

 (Print out this page on a PDF file) From 1931 to 1938 Our Lord revealed the secrets of His great mercy to St. Faustina.  He designated the first Sunday after Easter as the Feast of the Divine Mercy of God. In preparation of this Feast, He asked that a Novena be started on Good Friday, a Novena which asks for prayers each of the nine days for a different group of souls in order to immerse them in the sea of God’s Mercy!  Mass, Confession, Communion are required on Mercy Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter. Our Lord promised to Read More»

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Since the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, March 19th, falls on a Friday this week …

the law of abstinence from meat and meat products does not apply on Friday, March 19th this year   Prayer to St. Joseph after the Rosary   This prayer to Saint Joseph spouse of the Virgin Mary, foster father of Jesus, and patron saint of the universal Church was composed by Pope Leo XIII in his 1889 encyclical, Quamquam pluries. He asked that it be added to the end of the Rosary, especially during the month of October, which is dedicated to the Rosary. It may be said after the customary Salve Regina and concluding prayer, and may also be Read More»

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