
Merry Christmas

People in the United States are fascinated by the song “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Every year it’s played over and over again on the radio. It’s googled countless times. And it’s often listed as one of the top Christmas songs. You’re probably well familiar with the song, but do you know the Catholic roots? What are the 12 Days of Christmas? While secular culture begins Christmas after Thanksgiving (and sometimes even earlier!), for Catholics the Christmas season doesn’t begin until Christmas Eve. The time of preparation before Christmas is called Advent. Catholics celebrate the Christmas season from Jesus’ birth, Read More»

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4th Sunday of Advent – LOVE

The readings for the fourth Sunday relate to the annunciation of Christ’s birth, so the candle may be known as the Angel’s candle. The Magnificat or Song of Mary may be featured. Where an Advent wreath includes a fifth candle, it is known as the Christ candle and is lit during the Christmas Eve service. Read More»

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Pope Francis Names Five New Auxiliary Bishops

for the Archdiocese of Chicago The episcopal ordination of the bishops-elect will take place at Holy Name Cathedral early in 2025. Español | Polski Chicago (Dec. 20, 2024) – Today, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis has appointed five new auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of Chicago: Bishops-elect Timothy J. O’Malley, Lawrence J. Sullivan, José María Garcia-Maldonado, Robert M. Fedek, and John S. Siemianowski. The episcopal ordination of the bishops-elect will take place at Holy Name Cathedral in early 2025 at a date to be announced. The bishops-elect will remain in their present assignments for the time being. Changes in their archdiocesan roles Read More»

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3rd Sunday of Advent – JOY

Rose is the liturgical color for the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday (from the Latin word meaning “rejoice ye”, the first word of the introit of this Sunday); it is a pause in the penitential spirit of Advent. As such, the third candle, representing joy, is often a different color from the other three. Read More»

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2nd Sunday of Advent – PEACE

.. Peace Heavenly Father, You are the God who gives peace. This second week of Advent causes us to remember that because of Jesus we can experience a Christmas free from turmoil and chaos. Regardless of our circumstances or our situations, you offer us peace that passes understanding. Read More»

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1st week of Advent is HOPE, “The Advent season is a time of preparation …

 that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas. From the earliest days of the Church, people have been fascinated by Jesus’ promise to come back. But the scripture readings during Advent tell us not to waste our time with predictions. Advent is not about speculation. Our Advent readings call us to be alert and ready, not weighted down and distracted by the cares of this world (Lk 21:34-36).“ Read More»

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“Salute Our Heroes”

Veterans Day is a tribute to military veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Not to be confused with Memorial Day, which honors those who died while in service, Veterans Day honors all military veterans, including those still with us. Read More»

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