
Sacred Heart Youth Ministry

There’s still time to sign up for Youth Religious Education – Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm. In-person classes take place every two weeks according to the parish RE schedule. Registration forms are available in the parish office. Join us for Youth Group gatherings every Saturday 6:30-8:00pm in the Ministry Center (gym and youth room). A weekly sign-in form is provided. Bring your best energy, a smile and a snack to share. The last Saturday of every month will offer an opportunity to come together in a volunteer effort and actively witness our faith. Our September service day is planned for September 25th, 1-4pm, Read More»

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Jak już informowaliśmy od września rusza nasz program dla młodzieży, czyli katecheza dla młodzieży szkoły średniej oraz Grupa Młodzieżowa. Począwszy od września, w każdą sobotę o godz. 6-8pm w parafii Najświętszego Serca w Palos Hills będzie spotykać się grupa młodzieżowa dla uczniów szkół średnich. Jeśli szukasz przyjaciół, dobrej zabawy i modlitwy – zapraszamy!! Dołącz do nas!!  Jeśli pragniesz jeszcze bardziej poznać i pokochać swoją wiarę katolicką, zapraszamy na katechezę dla młodzieży! Zajęcia będą odbywać się w środowe wieczory w zwykłych godzinach Programu Religijnego. Formularze zapisów dostępne są w biurze parafialnym. Margaret Langbeen, jest Loretanką, pracuje w Centrali Radia Maryja w Read More»

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COMING SOON! Announcing YOUTH MINISTRY and RELIGIOUS EDUCATION classes for high-school youth.

Beginning in September, a Youth Group for high-school students will meet every Saturday, 6-8pm at Sacred Heart Parish in Palos Hills. Join us for fellowship, prayer and fun! If you desire to know and love your Catholic faith even more, sign up for Youth RE! Classes will take place on Wednesday evenings during regular RE hours. Sign-up forms are available in the parish office. For more information and answer questions, you can contact Sr. Margaret Langbeen  at    Read More»

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Flag Day June 14th –

What is “Flag Day?” Why do we celebrate it? Flag Day is a celebration of the American flag that occurs every year on June 14, in remembrance of when our country’s first American flag was introduced by the Continental Congress as the official American flag on June 14, 1777. The Continental Congress introduced the American flag in the middle of the Revolutionary War at a time when each colony or special interest had its own flag. The Declaration of Independence made the introduction of a universal American flag necessary. Congress made a resolution on June 14, 1777, outlining the purpose for Read More»

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